The Ordericus Vitalis Group 2004-2014
Studying Shropshire's Latin Documents
Last Updated Easter 2015
The Ordericus Vitalis Group grew out of the class run by Dr Sylvia Watts to teach medieval Latin. For the last fourteen years, they studied and translated medieval Latin documents. When each group of documents was complete, the transcripts and translations were deposited in Shropshire Archives to make them available for use by others. For details of the documents studied please click here. They also collected details of other websites containing useful information about courses on Latin and Paleography and online collections of documents. If you wish to view these please click here.
This group came to a sudden stop in March 2104 with the illness and death of Dr Sylvia Watts on 11th April 2014. She will be sadly missed.
The group took its name from the historian Ordericus Vitalis (1075-1143), whose father came to England with Roger of Montgomery and settled in Shrewsbury. Ordericus was baptised in Atcham but became a monk at St Evroult in Normandy, where (apart from short visits) he spent the rest of his life and wrote his "Historia Ecclesia". He retained his interest in his native land making him a suitable "patron" for our small group.
Since Sylvia's death, some members of the group have been working to publish some of the documents translated.
The first volume of these documents is now available.
"Latin Documents relating to the Manor of Madeley in Shropshire"
ISBN 978-1-326-19513-7 Price £10.00
Click here to order your copy .
We hope to produce other volumes in the near future.
Page maintained by Susan Laflin for the Ordericus Vitalis group.